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Wholesale Souvenirs: Three Central Guidelines on Purchasing Magnets

If you are looking for souvenirs for resale and distribution, you should think about purchasing magnets. These simple products are always on demand because of their compact nature. People often choose souvenirs which are easy to handle and carry. Also, the right one will be memorable. For instance, themed products like kangaroo magnets are popular among tourists. In addition, magnets are designed for convenient display on spaces like fridges. Therefore, the demand will be relatively consistent. Here are some simple guidelines to remember when purchasing wholesale magnet souvenirs.

Evaluate the Magnet Design

You should evaluate the design of different souvenir magnets before purchase. Remember, the future retail of the products will depend on their appeal to the consumers. If you choose unattractive or boring magnets, you might not get the desired effect. When evaluating the appeal of a magnet, you should consider the overall theme. The product should have elements which are eye catching. Ideally, the magnets should be fun and different from others on the market. Opt for shapes and images which are unique to the country and your local area for maximum interest to all potential buyers. If you are interested in a truly unique product, consider creating a custom magnet design and sending it to a specialist fabricator.

Consider the Product Size

The size of a souvenir magnet is a critical factor to consider before wholesale acquisition. The size will determine customer interest and subsequent sales. In general, you should think about the convenience of handling and display before making a decision. If the magnet is too small, it will not have visual impact. Therefore, if a consumer is looking for something conspicuous, they will be disappointed. On the other hand, a large magnet will be difficult to handle and cumbersome to display. Therefore, it is advisable to opt primarily for magnets about the size of a business card. In addition, consider getting a few larger and smaller sizes for customers with non-standard tastes.

Choose a Specialist Supplier

Finally, you should think about the ideal supplier for your souvenir magnets. There are numerous shops around the country with the capability of providing these products on wholesale. However, if you are planning for resale, you cannot afford to be careless because your choice will determine your profits. Therefore, look for a supplier who does not deal with multiple middlemen. Also, avoid shops set up for touristy clientele because the prices will be higher. Additionally, compare the prices quoted to ensure that your final choice is perfect.